No New Normal

Part of Canada's Freedom Community in Vancouver, BC - Join Us For: Meet-Ups, Rallies, and Marches

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Come and join like minded awake people when you need a dose of sanity.

You meet all kinds of amazing individuals and communicate face to face with the public.

Discuss local and international issues. Catch up on the latest news with well informed activists.

Make your statement and share the positive energy of informing others.

Deliver Druthers Newspapers to those who are unaware of the counter-narrative to the MSM and government propaganda.

Enjoy the camaraderie with new and old friends who are in this fight.

Live entertainment for the freedom troops.

No New Normal Head Organizer and Freedom Mama Bear Eileen | Watch her confront PHO Bonnie Henry.

Eileen announcing the latest in the continuing struggle against loss of freedom.

Join us every Wednesday at Vancouver City Hall 12th Ave. and Cambie St. from 1 pm to 3 pm.
Photos courtesy of Philip Morgan and James Lowen.
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To donate to No New Normal - e-transfer to: [email protected] (use password: nonewnormalbc)